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Childline: Something's Not Right

If you feel worried that something’s not right, there are people you can talk to.

Things have been very different since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and it’s been difficult for everyone. But, you don’t have to cope alone.

Some of the things you might be worried about include:

  • things that have happened to you or someone else
  • not knowing where to go when you’re scared
  • missed school or exams
  • what will happen in the future
  • coping with your mental health

Where can you get help?

There are lots of ways you can ask for support, including:

1. In school support

When you are in school, you can go to your Form Tutor or Pastoral Year Lead if you need extra support, or even if you just need to talk.

2. Speak to Childline

Get free, confidential support from a Childline counsellor about anything you want to and it’s available for 1-2-1 support seven days a week.

Call 0800 1111

3. Contact your doctor

4. Phone the police

If you’re feeling unsafe, you can always talk to the police. In an emergency, you can call 999 to get help straight away. You can also report online sexual abuse or exploitation to CEOP.

What is abuse?

Abuse can be anything someone else does to hurt you, or that leaves you feeling scared or upset. It can also be when your parent or carer isn’t looking after you. Abuse is never okay and is never your fault.

Being abused can happen to anyone. It’s not always easy to tell when it’s happening, especially if the person who’s abusing you is someone who loves you, or is someone you care about. If you’re worried, there are always ways to get support.

There are lots of different types of abuse:

  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Relationship abuse
  • Neglect
  • Being pressured to do illegal things

Find out more here > 

What will happen if you tell someone?

People like teachers, doctors, nurses, social workers and police officers will always listen and take you seriously. They have a duty to help you and keep you safe. And if you tell them what’s happening, they’ll want to help.

The person you tell might need to let someone else know what’s happening, but you can always ask about this. It’s also okay to tell them what you’d like to happen and keep asking questions about what’s going on.

It can feel hard to talk when it involves someone you love or who cares about you. Especially if they’re supporting you in other ways. Sometimes they might have told you that you won’t be listened to, or that you’ll get into trouble if you talk about it, but this isn’t true. 


Something’s Not Right campaign has been developed by the Home Office in partnership with Childline, NSPCC, Barnardo’s, the Children’s Society, the Marie Collins Foundation and the Internet Watch Foundation. Find out more here >